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From: Sebastian Redl (sebastian.redl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-08-22 12:31:12

On Tue, August 22, 2006 10:36 am, Julio M. Merino Vidal wrote:
>> So, if I'm getting you, you'll change your Win32 code so that
>> handle_type is a DWORD and can then address my requirement that a
>> guarantee is made about handle_type being always an integral type,
>> right?
> Yes, that's what I'm thinking.

Wait a moment, does that mean that the internal code would cast between
DWORD and HANDLE? That's absolutely invalid: they're not the same size on
64-bit systems. You'd have to use DWORD_PTR instead (an unsigned integral
type guaranteed to be the same size as a pointer).

Sebastian Redl

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