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From: Paul Baxter (pauljbaxter_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-09-04 15:01:33

> Thanks to Dylan Passmore I've fixed a bug in Shmem that provoked
> unnecessary memory allocation when constructing big objects (twice than
> necessary, in the extreme case when using boost::array). I've uploaded a
> easy fix but this sadly breaks ABI.
> So if you start using Shmem from the CVS, please delete all your Shmem
> files (if you are using memory mapped files) and be sure to use the same
> Shmem version in your projects. This change will be officially announced
> for Shmem 0.94 (I had no intention to do that, but there are some fixes
> in the CVS and maybe I should release it).

Many thanks for supporting some modest bug fixes to shmem as we have found
it very useful but can't 'switch horses' mid-stream to inter-process just

I looked in the Boost sandbox CVS at /boost-sandbox/libs/shmem but didn't
see any of the main shmem files there. Is there somewhere else I should look
for shmem CVS?

Do you plan to incorporate the changes noted by my colleague Steven Wooding
as part of shmem 0.94?


Paul Baxter

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