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From: Doug Gregor (dgregor_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-09-26 17:36:35

A while ago I announced the availability of an implementation of
"variadic templates" for GCC. Variadic templates eliminate a huge
amount of redundancy in several Boost libraries (including some that
have gone into TR1), such as tuples, function, bind, mem_fn, and MPL.
I have now completed the compiler (everything I've thought to try
works) and completely reimplemented TR1's <tuple> and <functional>
headers using variadic templates. The resulting code is much smaller,
clean, and compiles significantly faster that the previous versions.
Compiler binaries and sources, both including the implementation of
TR1, are available here:

I think variadic templates are a big step forward for C++ libraries
that deal with function objects, forwarding, and type-lists. If
you're interested, please read the documentation, hack some code with
the compiler, and tell your local C++ committee representative to
vote for variadic templates in C++0x :)


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