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From: Greg Reese (reesegj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-10-27 10:25:53

> Anyway, that being said, I hope people would join in the discussion
> rather than simply forward their reviews and ask for a private
> discussion through an email address. I think that's not the way
> the Boost culture works.

Things are not as nefarious as they seem. I was not asking for a private
discussion and am happy to have my review made public but was foiled by a
technical glitch. (Or perhaps, since this was my first Boost post, it was a
user error...) I joined the Boost developers' list and submitted my review to
it on Friday the 13th. (Hmm, could this be the problem?) I received an email
confirming my submission and saying that my email

" Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

    Post to moderated list

Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision. "

Unfortunately, although I have been receiving daily Boost digests since I
joined the list, I neither saw my review posted nor heard from a moderator. In
any case, since the review period was about to expire, Tom Brinkman was kind
enough to post the review for me.

> One thing that's not clear in his review is that he did not answer this
> very crucial question:
> > Please always explicitly state in your review, whether you think the
> > library should be accepted into Boost.

My bad. I answered all of the bulleted questions in the review announcement,
but missed this other, more important question. My answer is: yes, GIL should
be included in Boost.

> > If there are questions, I can contacted at:
> > reesegj at
> Very interesting perspective!

I thought the reviews just went to the authors and was actually trying to help
them out by volunteering to answer any questions they had about what I said. I
didn't realize the reviews were posted on the list and discussed by the whole
community. Now I know.

Again, I apologize for my procedural breaches - I was a Boost-list virgin. I
will now keep tabs on this thread for a little while and post responses, this
time publicly!


Greg Reese

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at