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From: Anthony Williams (anthony_w.geo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-01-24 10:56:26

Mateusz Loskot <mateusz_at_[hidden]> writes:

> Anthony Williams wrote:
>> So, my first question is: what compiler(s) are people using for Windows CE?
> I used to use eVC++ 3.0 for ~1 year, next I was glad to
> move to eVC++ 4.0.
> Finally, I'm extremely happy and my psyche is healthier
> after I moved to Visual C++ 8.0 :-)

Thanks for the info.

> Certainly, selection of toolset depends on a) target platform and b)
> budget becasue Visual C++ 8.0 is not free.

Yes. Unfortunately, one of the target platforms is running Windows CE 3.0,
with a non-standard SDK and therefore needs eVC++ 3.0

> Here you can find a nice matrix presenting what Windows CE-based
> systems are supported by what tools:


>> Secondly, though these compilers are pretty similar to MSVC6 in terms of
>> direct C++ language support,
> eVC++ 3.0 and 4.0 are just Visual C++ 6.0, so these are considered
> as the same compiler in terms of C++ support - *weak support*


>> they are further hampered by the lack of
>> exceptions and RTTI for the Windows CE targets needed for my project, and by
>> the lack of a decent Standard Library.
> You can install RTTI patch for Windows CE 4.x platform:
>> I've managed to overcome the latter by
>> using STLPort 5.1, but much of boost is still not usable due to the lack of
>> exceptions and RTTI --- I can't even use simple stuff like lexical_cast! Am I
>> the only one in this boat, or has anyone got any recommendations?
> Try the patch above and check if it helps.

The patch is for Windows CE 4.x, and one of my targets is running CE 3.0, so
thanks, but it's not any use to me.


Anthony Williams
Just Software Solutions Ltd -
Registered in England, Company Number 5478976.
Registered Office: 15 Carrallack Mews, St Just, Cornwall, TR19 7UL

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