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From: Joel de Guzman (joel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-01-26 18:42:33

Nicola Musatti wrote:
> Hallo, Joel.
> I'm posting to Boost.Development because my posts to Spirit.Development do not
> seem to get through. As I explain here:

That's kinda odd. You're the second who reported that. What
are you getting? Are you sure the address you are using is
subscribed? I got tons of spam and disabled posting from
unsubscribed addresses.

> I'd like to issue a Spirit 1.6.4 release to better support regression testers
> that use either Borland or old Microsoft compilers.
> I'm willing to take charge of everything and I know my way around SourceForge
> well enough to manage without handholding. However I have two worries:
> - As a plain developer do I have a sufficient authorization level for all the
> tasks involved?

Sure. That makes sense.

> - Is there anything special I should do, e.g. specific testing, prereleases,
> etc.?

Nothing special. Spirit has its own release cycle though which happens
more often than boost's. There's also the miniboost package that should
have enough components to work for both 1.8 and 1.6. For this, you'll
need full access to the Spirit site. I'll give you one if you don't
have it already.

THANKS A LOT FOR VOLUNTEERING! I really appreciate that.


Joel de Guzman

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