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From: Kim Barrett (kab_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-03-05 19:49:50

Not sure whether this a problem, a boost.python problem, or
simply a failure in my understanding.

In boost 1.33.1 one could specify the location of the Python version to be
used by Boost.Python using the --with-python-root option to bjam. This isn't
working on the RC_1_34_0 branch. (I haven't looked at HEAD.)

Looking at the boost root Jamfile.v2, it looks like this is still expected
to work, in that there is code that looks for that option and sets some
variables based on its value. However, it does not actually work because
there is other code in that same file which examines all --with-XXX options
to determine which optional libraries to add. So it treats python-root as
a candidate for such a library. Unfortunately, it then determines that this
isn't a recognized library name, and so errors out. So there seems to be
at least some inconsistency here.

Also, simply taking out the --with-python-root results in a warning that
the Python location was not configured, and so the Boost.Python library
won't be built.

Is there some other mechanism that one can / is supposed to use to specify
this particular bit of configuration information?

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