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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-03-09 11:14:48


Vishnu M Menon wrote:
> ...
> My Question: Is it possible to use boost interprocess'
> shared memory allocator with the normal STL containers
> that come with standard C++ build environments (gcc on
> Linux and Solaris, Visual C++ on Windows, etc.)? I
> know that there might be an issue with some STL
> containers not properly supporting encapsulated
> pointers in allocators that handle offset differences
> in memory addresses. Is this the reason why
> interprocess has its own containers?

You are right. I don't know any STL implementation fully compatible with
Boost.Interprocess allocators, but I haven't tested recent gcc (4.0 or
newer) or Msvc 8.0 STL containers. And this is the main reason to offer
specialized containers. Last time I checked STLport and the Rogue Wave
STL (stdcxx) weren't compatible.



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