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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-03-11 06:40:17

Vishnu M Menon wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.
> But while trying to do this, is there a guarantee that
> 1. the mapping will succeed (I am guessing not.)?


> 2. even if it succeeds, the mapped address range will
> *not* be already in use by the process?

If it's already used by the process, you won't be able to map it.

> I am guessing some form of pre-reserving the VM
> address space range may be necessary - perhaps done
> during compilation or linking the programs concerned.

I can't help you much here, but I guess that you could use the linker
file to reserve some virtual memory of your process that *maybe* could
be used for this mapping. But I'm just guessing.



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