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From: brass goowy (brass_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-04 13:41:10

Steven Watanabe writes: >AMDG >brass goowy <brass <at>> writes: >> >- Drop the 'i' prefix from the names of containers. >> >> I disagree with this one. I think std and intrusive containers >> will often be used together. This decision will lead to longer >> names in those cases. >Is there something wrong with longer names? I prefer being able to write ilist to Intrusive::list >> I would support dropping the prefix >> if the resulting name wasn't the same as in the std. Why >> not get rid of all the vowels and call them lst? >For one thing, it looks too much like 1st. Isn't there a possibility intrusive containers will make it into the standard? If they get that nod there will be a little problem if they have the exact same names as the standard containers. This reminds me of that tv program... "This is my brother Daryl and this is my other brother Daryl." Brian Wood Ebenezer Enterprises

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