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From: Dave Steffen (dgsteffen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-05 12:59:45

Steven Watanabe writes:
> Matthias Schabel <boost <at>> writes:
> > I'm actually thinking of including measurement<> with the library
> > itself as a way to provide both physical constants and their
> > associated measurement errors (from CODATA, in particular)
> I'm not sure that I'm really keen on this. measurement
> really doesn't belong in this library.

 </lurk mode off>

 A voice from the back of the room seconds that motion.

 The work I do is heavily involved with measurements, and there are
 all kinds of interesting, difficult, and even unsolved issues. I
 suggest that a measurement library would be built on top of an
 existing units library, not as part of it.

 I really don't think you want to open this can of worms yet. :-)

 <sits back down... /lurk mode on>
Dave Steffen, Ph.D. Fools ignore complexity.
Software Engineer IV Pragmatists suffer it.
Numerica Corporation Some can avoid it.
ph (970) 461-2000 x227 Geniuses remove it.
dgsteffen<at>numerica<dot>us -- Alan Perlis

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