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From: Maurizio Vitale (maurizio.vitale_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-11 13:28:43

thanks, it sure helped a lot.

In my case I had to wrap proto::terminal inside a my_domain<>
wrapper. This was required
with the simplified code I posted, but I'm mentioning it for the
benefit of others trying to learn proto.

I still have a couple of issues:
        - although udt_ex(v) is now parsed, udt_ex(v1,v2) is not. I've tried
           to be 2, but this also doesn't seem to work (and if
debug.hpp is included you get an ambiguous overload
          between debug.hpp:122 and rlocal.hpp:775. The ambiguity goes away
with numbers larger than 2).
          (anyhow BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY seems to be defined to 5 in

        - with your suggestion, when an object of class udt_ex is
encountered in an expression, the corresponding
          node in the parse tree has a udt_tag.
           In my case udt contains additional data, not only extra
methods and types. What is a good way for getting
           that information into the parse tree? Is specializing
as_expr going in the right direction?
            Basically, I'd like something like var/val in the lambda.cpp
test, but without having to explicitly decorate

Thanks again,


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