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From: Joe Gottman (jgottman_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-16 21:19:58

Peter Dimov wrote:

> To get back to shared_ptr, given p and q of type shared_ptr, would you be
> extremely disappointed if after:
> p = move( q );
> q holds the old value of p instead of being empty?
> (Note that p may have had a value that you could consider "unsafe" in the
> context of the valid values of q.)

    Not extremely disappointed. I do think that move semantics would be
very useful for shared_ptr's, and I know that there are classes where it
would be prohibitively expensive to clear the source after a move
assignment. But note that it is possible to efficiently make q hold a
null pointer after a move assignment:

  shared_ptr & operator=( shared_ptr && r ) // never throws
     px = r.px;
     r.px = 0;
     return *this;

template <class Y>
shared_ptr &operator=(shared_ptr<Y> &&r) //never throws
    px = r.px;
    r.px = 0;
    return *this;

This is actually fractionally more efficient than calling
     swap(pn,; swap(px, r.px);

since swap(px, r.px) involves one copy constructor and two assignments
and the implementation I gave just involves two assignments. Also, in
the case of the template assignment operator it is not required that px
be convertible to Y*.

Joe Gottman

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