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From: Darren Garvey (lists.drrngrvy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-25 18:46:33

On 25/04/07, Jose <jmalv04_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> The numbers refer to the use cases:
> 1) CGI output support
> 2) FCGI deamon support

Both included.

(and optionally FCGI on the c++ web server side to
> interface to the FCGI daemon)

My guess is that if this is ever done, it won't appear for a long time.

3) an improved asio http server that supports CGI pages (this would be very
> useful)

Adding http support to the library is a possibility, and has been discussed
before. It's _not_ part of the SoC project though: at best it'll be added
later, assuming all goes well. That said, http support isn't likely to be
safe for use as a public 'server' at any point: that's a huge task and one
probably far beyond the realm of any single library.

4) advanced applications, like debugging

Not included, but see my previous mail.


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