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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-29 11:46:49

Daniel Walker wrote:

>> !boost::bind(...): Bind
> Task for bind: None. This works as is.
> Task for lambda: operator! needs to be supplied for std::bind but
> disabled for boost::bind.

I'm planning to propose std::bind relational operators and operator! for the
next meeting. They may or may not actually go in, of course. I'm still not
sure that I have the design 100% right, though. The basic idea is to add

template<class L, class R>
    typename enable_if<
        is_bind_expression<L>::value ||
        is_placeholder<L>::value ||
        is_bind_expression<R>::value ||
    operator==( L const & l, R const & r )
        return bind( __equal_to(), l, r );

where __equal_to()(x,y) returns x == y.

The interesting issue is in which namespace we need to add the above. The
global namespace works most of the time, is contrary to the spirit of the
rest of the standard, and fails when an operator== overload in the current
scope hides the global one.

Namespace std is in line with the rest of the standard, but doesn't work for
the placeholders via ADL, since these are defined in namespace
std::placeholders. In other words, _1 == 5 will fail by default unless there
is a "using namespace std" directive in effect.

The best solution I have so far is to define the operators in std, move the
placeholders into std as well and import them into std::placeholders with
using declarations. This preserves the original use case of "using namespace
std::placeholders" making only _K visible, while still keeping std as an
associated namespace for ADL purposes, so that _1 == 5 finds the above

It should probably be noted that this will fail if Herb Sutter's "Fixing
ADL" proposal is accepted.

This is also an interesting use case for a || concept requirement. I'm not
terribly familiar with the concepts proposal though; it might offer an
alternative solution that I don't know about.

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