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From: Neil Groves (neilgroves_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-05-07 18:30:15

On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 22:55 +0200, Marcus Lindblom wrote:
> Hi all,
> About half a year ago, I took on the range_ex library from Thorsten
> Ottosen, aiming to make it ready for review and inclusion in boost.
> However, a few weeks later I found myself with a 'life' (i.e.
> girlfriend), so there hasn't been time for any outside-of-work hacking.
> I feel that range_ex deserves to be completed and would love to do it
> myself, but time just isn't there at the moment.
> range_ex is mostly just a range-ification of <numeric> and <algorithm>
> (i.e. versions of these functions taking Ranges rather iterator pairs)
> and I've been using a something similar at work. It really makes good
> sense to have it in boost.
> If anyone is willing to step up to this, let me or Thorsten know. There
> isn't much work really (most of it is there, just fill in the gaps, make
> it complete and edit a bit of the documentation). There are a few
> advanced features that definitely are worth pursuing in the future, but
> I believe a first barebone release would still improve the life of many
> c++ hackers. :)
> So, let us know if you're interested.
> Cheers,
> /Marcus
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I will do it if I am acceptable. I know a few of you on the list. I am a
professional C++ developer and have 17 years professional software
development experience. Occasionally I even develop something that

I have a number of extensions in prototype form for the range algorithm
that I wished to put forward at some point in the future. I have for
example an optimal resizing mechanism for target containers using
template meta-programming. This makes it possible to implement a
transform with a container target without forcing the client of the
algorithm to continually re-evaluate whether reserve then back_insert is
the best implementation, for example. The optimal re-size mechanism is
implemented once per container.

I have an interest in developing some useful containers to supplement
the std containers. I have developed prototypes and I am in the process
of taking metrics to back-up my claims that they are interesting to
software developers before posting an interest query to the list. I
believe these libraries would benefit from careful integration.

I would be glad to be of service.

Neil Groves
Software Developer
Irrational Daffodil Ltd.

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