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From: Christian Henning (chhenning_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-05-14 18:45:31

My compiler ( VC 7.1 SP1 ) is getting on my nerves with a C4675
warning. Taking the help file C4675 is only important when creating
code that might be used by older compiler, as well, and then leading
to different function calls.

The warning looks like this:

c:\boost\boost\gil\image.hpp(141) : warning C4675: 'void
&,boost::gil::image_view<Loc> &)' : resolved overload was found by
argument-dependent lookup

"A function found by argument-dependent lookup (Koenig lookup) was
eventually chosen by overload resolution.

In Visual C++ .NET and earlier compilers, a different function would
have been called. To pick the original function, use an explicitly
qualified name."

>From now on I would believe to ignore that warning. If someone else
thinks differently, please let me know.

I brought up this issue to have a hint for people searching for an answer.


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