Boost : |
From: Eric Niebler (eric_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-06-01 10:36:29
Larry Evans wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I need a context with something like the following methods:
> template< typename Tag, typename Left, typename Right >
> result_type operator()(expr<Tag, Left, Right> const &expr) const
> {
> std::cout<<std::setw(indent)
> <<""<<"binary_expr:"<<expr.get_instance()<<"\n";
> indent+=2;
> proto::eval(left, *this);
> proto::eval(right, *this);
> indent-=2;
> }
> where the expression tree node argument remains "packaged":
> (expr<Tag, Left, Right> const &expr)
> in contrast to the unpacked version:
> (Tag, Left const &left, Right const &right)
Sure. Only context types derived from callable_context get unpacked
nodes like that. If you don't inherit from callable_context, you'll get
the whole node without any modification. The interface is a bit
different, though. You'll need something like:
struct my_context
template<typename Expr>
struct eval
typedef ... result_type;
operator()(Expr &expr, my_context &ctx) const
return ...;
If you want to handle binary nodes specially, you would define the eval
member template as:
template<typename Expr, long Arity = Expr::arity::value>
struct eval
and then partially specialize for binary nodes:
template<typename Expr>
struct eval<Expr, 2>
-- Eric Niebler Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com
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