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From: Nicola Musatti (Nicola.Musatti_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-06-07 13:09:14

Joel de Guzman <joel <at>> writes:
> I know I'm asking for the moon, but it would be really nice if
> developers have access to a compiler farm like the one SourceForge
> has but for all compilers that Boost uses. I know there are
> legal impediments, but such a thing, if plausible at all, would
> alleviate most of our testing woes. If something breaks, we
> can test it ourself and see the results immediately and fix it
> immediately instead of having to wait a day or two for a full
> test suite to complete. The current system is like having a
> compiler that takes 2 days to compile.
> 2c worth... but I thought I'd say it again :P

That was my personal plan. Then someone else won the national lottery ;-)

Nicola Musatti

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