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From: Geurt Vos (g.vos_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-06-13 04:31:51

Prathap KV wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a newbie to boost.I tried to cross-build boost.But no results.
> Can any one please tell me how i can build boost for arm-linux from
> i386-linux.I am using boost_1_34_0.

I'm not sure if this is the official way to do it
(if there is actually one), but it is how I got it
to work:

> ./configure --prefix=../../boost-1.34.0

Configure will create a 'user-config.jam' file. Edit it
to add your compiler. Here's mine:

> cat user-config.jam
    # Boost.Build Configuration
    # Automatically generated by Boost configure

    # Compiler configuration
    using gcc : : arm-linux-g++ ;

Then just run 'bjam' and check back the next day ;)

Hope this helps,

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