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From: Jared McIntyre (jmcintyre_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-06-18 17:24:27

Robert Ramey <ramey <at>> writes:

> The serialization library in 1.34 should be upward compatible with previous
> versions.
> The version number has been incremented to support this. It is only for
> this reason that the number has been incremented. So rolling it back would
> be expected to cause problems.
> Jared McIntyre wrote:
> > it is causing some problems with old code
> I would not expect this. What kind of problems.

It is an issue of my own making. We still have quite a few released libraries
built on boost 1.33. Our newer prototype version is 1.34 based. It is now
generating files that can't be read by those older binaries. In my case, I am
lucky enough that the format is actually compatibly, except for the version
number and a couple previously non-existend lines (if I change the file to 3,
and remove two lines, it all works).

So, my problem is that we need to move to Boost 1.34, but I need a serialization
library that interoperates with 1.33 serialization. I could hack my code to
post-process the file, but it would be ugly.

> >Otherwise, has anyone
> > tried using the old Serialization library in Boost 1.33?
> I would guess that is what most people use now.

I phrased that horribly. I meant, has anyone tried to use the Boost 1.33 version
in 1.34 (instead of the one that ships with it).

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