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From: Matias Capeletto (matias.capeletto_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-06-22 12:29:36

Note: This message is part of a series of "Help request" posts. We
need cool guys to help us in the docs project. There are some
interesting task that may be done by one or two folks, and that will
really help that this project comes up well. There are no time frames,
just a bunch of people with different paces working together to make
boost docs better. I am sending this message to the boost devel list
to reach more hands. If you are interested (please be!) move further
discussion to the boost-docs list. Thanks!


I have added a new wiki page to our project:

The idea is that volunteers test the new stuff periodically (with out
time frames again, we are a lot of people here) and update the wiki
table if something does not work as expected.

Please help us!
Add yourself to the bottom of that page.

Best regards

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at