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Boost : |
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-07 23:52:08
I've tried to login - but I don't know what to put in as a password. I've
tried the password I usually use for boost stuff but it doesn't seem to
Robert Ramey
"Marshall Clow" <marshall_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> [ 309 open tickets today, 319 yesterday ]
> [ Thanks to Peter Dimov (and others) for their work yesterday ]
> If you are maintaining a library, and have not logged into the trac system
> at <http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/>, please do so ASAP. Until you do
> no tickets can be assigned to you, and will remain under "None".
> Instructions on working with tickets can be found at:
> <http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/TicketWorkflow>
> 48 None
> 22 dgregor
> 20 grafik
> 17 vladimir_prus
> 17 nobody
> 16 jsiek
> 16 johnmaddock
> 15 az_sw_dude
> 11 turkanis
> 11 beman_dawes
> 7 speedsnail
> 7 samuel_k
> 7 rogeeff
> 7 dave
> 6 shammah
> 6 pdimov
> 6 nesotto
> 6 jbandela
> 6 anthonyw
> 6 agurtovoy
> 5 witt
> 5 <Blank>
> 4 urzuga
> 4 mark_rodgers
> 4 fcacciola
> 4 djowel
> 3 jmaurer
> 3 ebf
> 3 dlwalker
> 3 danielw
> 2 ramey
> 2 hubert_holin
> 2 alnsn
> 1 nmusatti
> 1 mistevens
> 1 kevlin
> 1 hkaiser
> 1 garcia
> 1 eric_niebler
> 1 danieljames
> 1 aaron_windsor
> None 1080 boost::interprocess win32 global file mapping issue
> None 1079 boost-1.34.0 fails to compile. concept checks not satisfied.
> None 1076 compile error: disconnecting struct with operator()()
> doesn't work in VS2005 SP1
> None 1074 FreeBSD specific patches to boost 1.34.0
> None 1073 operations.cpp_ dummy_first_name lifetime
> None 1072 assertion failed in dijkstra algorithm
> None 1070 [iostreams]boost\iostreams\copy.hpp line80 copy_impl
> None 1069 _InterlockedExchange_ _InterlockedExchangeAdd have wrong
> None 1068 Mersenne twister disables streaming for Visual C++
> None 1066 Patch to make Boost.Python compile on SunCC
> None 1065 cannot find -lboost_filesystem
> None 1061 boost::filesystem::basic_recursive_directory_iterator fails
> on empty directories.
> None 1060 no example sources in online docs for Boost::Test
> None 1059 random_on_sphere can be made 10 times faster!
> None 1058 Cygwin libraries & GNU libtool
> None 1056 commentary typo fixes for wave; make jam compile
> None 1055 boost build system uses wrong `ar` for cross compilation.
> None 1051 MPL header ordering triggers bug
> None 1050 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION documentation missing
> None 1049 Getting mpl/has_xxx.hpp to compile on AIX
> None 1047 Small Problem with the getting started guide making the
> whole build fail
> None 1042 Build: Incorrect parameters for IA64 architecture in MSVC
> None 1038 "<" and ">" should be excaped in xml_oarchive
> None 1037 boost.serialization : invalid pointer dependant upon
> serialization order
> None 1036 assert failure in oserializer.hpp:418
> None 1033 iostreams::restrict doesn't work on an iostreams::file_source
> None 1032 typo in Boost.Test documentation
> None 1027 [ptr_container] optional serialization support
> None 1023 inspect
> None 1021 [Graph][reverse_graph] Problem using reverse_graph adapter
> with an adapted user defined graph
> None 1020 Boost.Iterator proposal to add is_constant_iterator
> None 1019 iterator_facade::pointer should be the return type of
> operator-> (DR 445)
> None 1014 rename throws an exception that is not documented
> None 1006 No mingw.jam
> None 1003 [iostreams] copy-paste error in typedefs for wchar
> None 1002 [iostreams] close_impl<closable_tag> does not comply with spec
> None 995 'multiply defined symbols' when including
> <boost/filesystem.hpp> in different source files
> None 991 [pool]
> None 987 configure passes wrong toolset to bjam
> None 982 x64 documentation for windows
> None 980 boost.format vc8/win32 compilation warning
> None 975 empty weak_ptr throws upon serialization
> None 969 basic_binary_iprimitive::load_binary bug
> None 968 xml_grammar - incorrect define char
> None 962 Missing links in Test library documentation
> None 961 boost::basic_binary_oprimitive not instantiated correctly
> None 960 [random] lognormal_distribution problem
> None 956 Doc error in test examples.
> <Blank> 1011 amd64: #error Boost.Numeric.Interval: Please specify
> rounding control mechanism.
> <Blank> 1001 gcc 4.1.2 segfaults on mpl/test/apply.cpp
> <Blank> 999 prg_exec_fail3 fails on release variant
> <Blank> 924 Convenience function for const map read
> <Blank> 907 gccxml compilation error under Windows
> aaron_windsor 778 top-level configure is broken
> agurtovoy 861 [mpl] Detect nested template members with has_template_xxx
> agurtovoy 816 duplicat initial members -> erase_key postcond. fail
> agurtovoy 761 [mpl] evc4 port
> agurtovoy 640 documentation mistake
> agurtovoy 637 Adjusts mpl::pair concept to be compatible with STL pairs
> agurtovoy 588 mpl::remove compile error with gcc 4.1.0
> alnsn 839 lexical_cast - local variable shadow patch
> alnsn 754 boost::any - typeid comparison across shared boundaries
> anthonyw 1053 Error using boost::mutex and C++/CLI
> anthonyw 659 provide an abstract "Task" type based on Boost.Threads
> anthonyw 881 errors when build with Apache stdcxx
> anthonyw 876 xtime documentation incomplete
> anthonyw 868 [thread] thread_specific_ptr::element_type ?
> anthonyw 802 [thread] MSVS: Allow use of thread headers with /Za
> az_sw_dude 1078 from_iso_string cannot read the output from
> az_sw_dude 1028 typo in boost header: date_time/time_defs.hpp
> az_sw_dude 224 Extensions to std::string: compareIgnoreCase()_ trim()_ ...
> az_sw_dude 187 locale
> az_sw_dude 17 Socket wrapper class
> az_sw_dude 890 date_time library supports only the current dst rule
> az_sw_dude 889 Insane Dependencies
> az_sw_dude 827 Unused variable in format date parser
> az_sw_dude 642 operator<< for gregorian::date_duration not found
> az_sw_dude 614 new timezone db file for #1471723 - 2007 DST support
> az_sw_dude 605 support new 2007 DST rules for timezone db
> az_sw_dude 604 from_ftime incorrectly processes FILETIME filled with zeros
> az_sw_dude 596 make timezone csv file C/C++ compatible
> az_sw_dude 316 date_time type conversion warning
> az_sw_dude 287 wrong usage of ios_base::narrow
> beman_dawes 897 exists() throws exeption on existing but locked file on
> beman_dawes 842 typo in auto_unit_test.hpp Revision 1.17
> beman_dawes 824 BOOST_IOSTREAMS_HAS_LSEEK64 on Mac OS X
> beman_dawes 823 Seekable file_descriptor_source /sink?
> beman_dawes 752 directory_iterator doesn't work with catch
> beman_dawes 680 significantly different timer class behaviour on Win and
> beman_dawes 662 [filesystem] portable_posix_name() may fail on premain
> beman_dawes 607 Log level names wrong in documentation
> beman_dawes 600 VC8 can't find windows.h even though environment is
> beman_dawes 559 linker error mingw 3.4.5
> beman_dawes 222 Code analysis_ flaw detection_ debugging
> danieljames 1064 problem on platforms with no errno.h header file
> danielw 1054 Parameter takes an "infinite" amount of time to compile
> with the Intel compiler.
> danielw 1044 Argument pack inaccessable in a functions return type
> danielw 863 [parameter] fix operator|| for lazy binding
> dave 1010 linking boost.python on freebsd
> dave 918 __doc__ strings
> dave 916 BPL Support for Python Callable Objects
> dave 910 gcc strict-aliasing problems with python
> dave 903 inconsistent usage of function pointer typedefs
> dave 865 Use of C++0x keyword as identifier
> dave 857 add shared_ptr< const T> support
> dgregor 954 boost::dynamic_properties has no copy-constructor
> dgregor 862 [utility] Make result_of handle lambda expressions
> dgregor 746 max flow with lower bounds (capacities)
> dgregor 1067 Function needs to use pass-by-reference internally
> dgregor 891 Bunch of compilation error reported while using function.hpp
> dgregor 870 boost::graph::graph_utility.hpp is_connected() bad call
> dgregor 852 Problem with Boost and GCC 4.1
> dgregor 829 Implicit graph not implement
> dgregor 738 Memory leaks with signal::connect?
> dgregor 736 Const correctness violation
> dgregor 735 Fruchterman-Reingold grid performance can be improved
> dgregor 733 Numbered headers don't work with "preferred" syntax
> dgregor 732 Johnson All-Pairs needs better "no path" information
> dgregor 708 Dijkstra no_init version should not require VertexListGraph
> dgregor 556 Bundled graph properties
> dgregor 447 reverse_graph and constness of property maps
> dgregor 403 Document copy_component
> dgregor 402 random_vertex/random_edge are unnecessarily inefficient
> dgregor 395 BGL graph types do not support allocators
> dgregor 375 LEDA graph adaptors do not handle hidden nodes properly
> dgregor 373 LEDA graph adaptors for undirected graphs
> dgregor 372 adjacency_matrix should model BidirectionalGraph
> djowel 664 crash in boost::spirit::parse
> djowel 543 Embedded python won't compile
> djowel 314 spirit insert_key_actor.hpp
> djowel 241 Miss " = ParserT()"
> dlwalker 766 "Bug" in comment (x2)
> dlwalker 653 [integer] add support for integers longer than long
> dlwalker 613 boost/crc.hpp uses non-standard conforming syntax
> ebf 993 Variant should use least common multiple of alignments_
> rather than maximum
> ebf 965 [doc] boost::variant tutorial - final example uses v1_v2
> should be seq1_seq2
> ebf 547 [variant] Compile time checked getter
> eric_niebler 1071 Request for BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH and rationale
> fcacciola 818 No zero-argument in_place()
> fcacciola 765 optional documentation
> fcacciola 617 Numeric Conversion Documentation minor bug
> fcacciola 282 boost::optional<enum> fails with /CLR
> garcia 1045 [multi_array] Need a proper swap operation
> grafik 1040 boost.devel archive at ActiveState disconnected
> grafik 1031 AmigaOS fixes for bjam
> grafik 989 Boost build does not support building universal binaries
> on macintosh
> grafik 714 [jam] HardLink rule on NT platform
> grafik 121 toolset initialization
> grafik 94 Better reporting of failed expectation.
> grafik 93 Testing problems on AIX and OSF
> grafik 1062 Cygwin install stage fails with combination of patches
> grafik 977 bjam crashes when compiled with gcc 4.2
> grafik 959 linking fails when Boost is compiled with STLport 5.1.* on
> Linux (names mismatch)
> grafik 896 <native-wchar_t>off does not work when build with vc-8.0
> grafik 798 bjam: always define OSPLAT
> grafik 721 Generated files "@()" don't work in regular expressions.
> grafik 683 libraries won't build
> grafik 616 Boost Jam_ and non english directorys
> grafik 552 Building universal binary on MacOSX
> grafik 546 boost.build needs fixes for HP/UX
> grafik 497 Unable to build boost with Dinkumware STL version 4.02
> grafik 481 Linker Problems with VC .NET 2003 / STLPort / Boost
> grafik 431 boost jam problem with parallel builds
> hkaiser 1077 Spirit integer parser does not always detect integer overflow
> hubert_holin 647 octonion documentation bug
> hubert_holin 162 Cannot compile octonion_test.cpp because of bug in
> jbandela 665 bug in char_separator
> jbandela 501 token_iterator::at_end() result is inversed
> jbandela 306 Visual C++ "Language Extensions" support
> jbandela 283 Compiler error for tokenizer on Solaris
> jbandela 279 SLOOOWW tokenizer compilation on VC++6.0
> jbandela 259 Problem compiling :/
> jmaurer 920 Proposed extension to random library
> jmaurer 819 uniform_int<> with type's maximum availaible range error
> jmaurer 351 Diff in state of mersenne_twister gen between GCC3.41 & CW9
> johnmaddock 1081 Empty string rejected as perl-style regex
> johnmaddock 1075 [doc] incorrect comment
> johnmaddock 1008 Undocumented type traits.
> johnmaddock 871 Problem build boost 1.33.1 on Aix 4.3.3
> johnmaddock 883 errors when build with Apache stdcxx
> johnmaddock 812 Crash on RH machine with gcc < 3.4
> johnmaddock 775 Warnings on MSVC 2005
> johnmaddock 764 [regex] add support for a BOOST_NO_CREGEX mode
> johnmaddock 679 regex - perl syntax affects what gets matched
> johnmaddock 633 [config] evc4 port
> johnmaddock 591 make portable stdint.h from boost code
> johnmaddock 540 Please add support for Borland C++ Builder 2006
> johnmaddock 502 Problem running configure for unsupported platform
> johnmaddock 492 Adding boost::is_complex to type_traits.hpp
> johnmaddock 360 Regex
> johnmaddock 315 Implement operator[] for Tokenizer
> jsiek 900 graphml reader namespace handling is broken
> jsiek 875 No iterator based constructor for adjacency_matrix
> jsiek 815 remove_edge core dumps on self-circle
> jsiek 813 concept_check.hpp unused variable warning
> jsiek 694 Add Maximum Common Subgraph (MCS) algorithm
> jsiek 693 Add clique detection algorithms DFMax_ Bron-Kerbosch
> jsiek 636 strange compiling problem for transitive_closure
> jsiek 580 Max Flow Algorithm
> jsiek 575 Calling subgraph::global_to_local on a root graph
> jsiek 541 [concept_check.hpp] remove unused variable warning in msvc
> jsiek 416 Spelling of Edmonds-Karp-Algorithm
> jsiek 193 Check ordering for mutexes
> jsiek 182 Support aspect-orientation
> jsiek 116 creating my own properties
> jsiek 100 more use of the concept "allocator"
> jsiek 69 Boost with Dinkumware C++ Library !?
> kevlin 913 Specialization of lexical_cast
> mark_rodgers 821 allow_unregistered improvement
> mark_rodgers 558 add database library?
> mark_rodgers 87 function to get the size of a array
> mark_rodgers 30 parser
> mistevens 688 ublas: bug in mapped_vector_of_mapped_vector
> nesotto 807 boost::assignment documentation: mathematical "typo"
> nesotto 730 The ptr_map iterator cannot be dereference to value type
> nesotto 723 local_time_facet error in VS2005 Win2003
> nesotto 624 bug in boost::range_detail
> nesotto 518 [Boost.Range]boost::const_begin calls non-qualified 'begin'
> nesotto 471 boost.range and "const char[]".
> nmusatti 285 Borland compiler error with Pool_ boost::pool_allocator
> nobody 930 iostream and zlib
> nobody 922 Lexical cast and wide characters
> nobody 908 gccxml compilation bug under Windows
> nobody 905 Assertion failed in token_iterator.hpp
> nobody 902 patch for Visual Studio 8 + Windows x64 (AMD64)
> nobody 884 [iostreams] workaround for the boost + stdcxx on MSVC 7.1
> nobody 874 Ability to partially specialize implementation_level
> nobody 825 PocketPC 2003/2005 MSVS8
> nobody 800 [filesystem] chdir()
> nobody 796 [ublas] vector::back()
> nobody 795 [ublas] vector::back()
> nobody 621 filesystem::path as a template
> nobody 590 mkstemp
> nobody 513 darwin 64 bit support
> nobody 366 handle double '/' in the boost::filesystem
> nobody 310 Stand-alone ternary state tree
> nobody 294 unicode support in boost::filesystem
> pdimov 997 error in boost::bind doc
> pdimov 974 spurious warning suppression code useful in shared_ptr.hpp
> pdimov 911 [bind] inline placeholder macro
> pdimov 810 support for weak_ptr binding
> pdimov 445 Can't delete automatically in circularly included object.
> pdimov 398 Support for embedded VC++ 4.0
> ramey 878 error C2039: 'mbstate_t' : is not a member of 'std'
> ramey 877 'NULL' undefined in basic_serializer_map.cpp
> rogeeff 1030 execution_monitor.ipp #warning directive breaks
> compilation on MSVC 8.0
> rogeeff 998 prg_exec_fail2 fail on ppc
> rogeeff 893 grammatical error in error message
> rogeeff 847 [Test Library] How to init/free a singleton
> rogeeff 762 [test] evc4 issue with SEH support
> rogeeff 747 failing on 6 targets in MacOS X
> rogeeff 645 [test] no eh exception handling functions on evc4
> samuel_k 859 boost::format ignores a user defined locale
> samuel_k 849 boost::format and operator priority rule
> samuel_k 713 Boost.Format doesn't work on MSVC with /vd2 compiler option
> samuel_k 704 format zero length string msvc-8
> samuel_k 585 64 bit compile warning/error for boost::format
> samuel_k 570 boost::format parse method doesn't work
> samuel_k 493 format: assert when parsing invalid pattern
> shammah 840 pool allocator - local variable shadow patch
> shammah 836 warning using pool.hpp
> shammah 386 boost::pool_allocator breaks with vector of vectors
> shammah 290 perfomance: memory cleanup for pool takes too long
> shammah 284 pool::purge_memory() does not reset next_size
> shammah 88 ct_gcd_lcm.hpp compilation error
> speedsnail 615 thread identification and getting the id
> speedsnail 204 Add a monitor class
> speedsnail 194 Exchange results between several thread calls
> speedsnail 174 cooperation with ACE framework
> speedsnail 173 more synchronization primitives for the threads classes
> speedsnail 172 cooperation with ZThread package
> speedsnail 171 class for function calls that are not thread safe
> turkanis 869 [iostreams] patch for building by BBv2
> turkanis 856 iostreams file_descriptor::write fails under Win32
> turkanis 822 Incorrect usage of bad_write()_ bad_seek() etc.
> turkanis 817 Performance problem in iostreams
> turkanis 791 iostreams::tee_filter is for output only
> turkanis 786 bug in iostreams/copy.hpp line 81
> turkanis 699 Changing size of memory-mapped file on Windows
> turkanis 586 iostreams // file_descriptor::seek BUG on files > 4 GB
> turkanis 579 boost.iostreams file_descriptor and sharing
> turkanis 525 problem with boost::iostreams when compiled with Visual C++
> turkanis 484 Boost.Iostreams and newline translation
> urzuga 864 [lambda][utility] Make lambda support result<>
> urzuga 781 Lambda: (_1 + "y")(string("x")) Doesn't Compile
> urzuga 574 [boost::lambda] Compile error with libstdc++ debug mode
> urzuga 426 lambda vs pure virtual functions
> vladimir_prus 1041 Cygwin requires PATH setting.
> vladimir_prus 985 can't use bjam to disable specific VC warning
> vladimir_prus 984 using 'define=XYZ' as bjam command line argument doesn't
> vladimir_prus 879 Building Boost with Apache C++ Standard Library (STDCXX)
> vladimir_prus 853 path with spaces not always handled
> vladimir_prus 687 [program_options] Allow unrecognized options in
> vladimir_prus 428 Please add support for PDSK compilers for x64 and IA64
> vladimir_prus 418 Please add support for Intel 9 WIN32
> vladimir_prus 898 [program_options] improper guess
> vladimir_prus 887 Duplicate target name bug on Cygwin
> vladimir_prus 850 program_options strips off escaped quotes in some
> vladimir_prus 808 [program_options] parse_config_file documentation bug
> vladimir_prus 689 [program_options] Endless loop with long default
> vladimir_prus 674 find-library for boost decorated names
> vladimir_prus 644 Boost.Build v2 build script help for evc4
> vladimir_prus 469 multitoken broken in program_options 1.33
> vladimir_prus 342 program_options Can one have options with optional
> witt 1046 Boost.Python quickstart instructions mention nonexistent target
> witt 973 zip_iterator has value_type == reference
> witt 957 The "Getting Started" page does not mention the stdlib option
> witt 834 Homepage regression links
> witt 145 filter iterator adaptor should be able to be bidirectional
> --
> -- Marshall
> Marshall Clow Idio Software <mailto:marshall_at_[hidden]>
> It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
> It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
> the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
> It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
> _______________________________________________
> Unsubscribe & other changes:
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk