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From: Gennadiy Rozental (gennadiy.rozental_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-09 14:55:46

"Mike" <dykciarz_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> Greetings.


Sorry for the delay. I am on and off the list a lot these days.

> test_suite doesn't have 'remove test' method. I'm wondering why... It
> might be quite useful. My company uses boost::test and defines
> test_suites in different DLLs loading them as they needed (creating
> the 'test tree' from cases and suites). The problem arises when it
> comes to unload the DLLs. We need to use pretty ugly workaround that
> is 'first unloaded test_suite DLL needs to destroy all test cases'.
> We're trying to avoid 'memory can't be read' issue.
> Making any changes in boost::test is extremly poor idea because
> someone needs to be delegated to track changes in boost::test and make
> intrusive changes.
> Inheritance from test_case or test_suite is impossible due to nature
> of them - they are implemented as (private) pimpls.
> Is there any chance to add 'remove' facility to boost::test or at
> least test_suite?

Yeah. This seems like a valid request. I will try to implement this in
future version of Boost.Test


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