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From: Tobias Schwinger (tschwinger_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-01 16:12:04


seems I need access to the SVN then (CCing the moderators)...

dherring_at_[hidden] wrote:
> /bin/sh: line 1: chdir: command not found
> /bin/sh: line 2: /svn/boost/dist/bin/wave: No such file or directory

Thanks a lot for reporting - I wouldn't have noticed this Jamfile gets
run for a full build (as I rarely build Boost as a whole - it rebuilds
itself from dependent projects).

That Jamfile builds pre-preprocessed headers with the default settings,
where the target files are part of the library anyway, so I should

$ cd /svn/boost/libs/function_types/build/timestamps
$ touch arity_loops
$ touch encoding
$ touch cc_names
$ svn commit

so nothing needs to be done, unless the configuration changes (creating
those files will do for a workaround).

> The file <boost>/libs/function_types/build/Jamfile.v2, contains the
> offending 'chdir'. When 'chdir' is changed to 'cd', the build still fails
> on line 2.

It doesn't matter, as it seems we're already in the right directory on
UNIX. Haven't checked on Windows yet.

> Things finally build correctly with a
>> bjam --layout=system --with-wave -q

And there should be a <dependency> to build the Wave tool. Is there a
way to *only* build the dependency if something needs to be done (IOW
targets are outdated or do not exist)?

Cross-posting to the Boost.Build list for this question.

Thanks y'all,

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at