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From: Hugo Duncan (hugoduncan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-02 09:38:46

I am trying to create an IIR filter (see e.g., using the delay buffer implementation
recently discussed.

To do this I need two delay buffers for my filter, one for the samples and
one for the computed outputs.

I have tried templating my delay buffer with a discrimating type, but I
can't get more than one buffer instantiated. ie the following creates
only one buffer instantation.

     accumulator_set<int, stats<
          tag::delay<my_other_delay> > > acc(
       tag::delay<>::cache_size = 3,
       tag::delay<my_other_delay>::cache_size = 4

Is this worth perservering with? any hints? or would it be better to wait
for the next version of accumulators?

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