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From: Rene Rivera (grafikrobot_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-06 16:10:58

Joel de Guzman wrote:
> * I see that I can simply set up a thunderbird filter to forward to
> that address when I receive a Trac ticket email. Alas, there's
> no reliable way to detect a Trac ticket message. The title:
> [Boost C++ Libraries]... is non-descriptive enough. Rene is
> looking for way to add the library name to the email title.
> If all goes well, this trick should do it. But it's useful for
> other purposes as well (e.g. organizing your inbox).

FYI... The only current way to change the email subjects to be
programmatic involves changing the Trac Python code. This is true for
both 0.10.x and 0.11.x AFAICT.

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