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From: Dirk Griffioen (dirk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-09 09:56:35

Hi All,

I am happy to announce Amsterdam based CodeShop has been using Boost
since 2005 on all of it's projects (and CodeShop memebers have been
using Boost since 2001).

We used it on the following:

*An open source voip stack (xmpp-sip/rtp/(port)audio/codecs), capable of
pc2pc calls and pc2pstn calls - it's a message based sdk, so you could
write your own Gtalk or Skype ...*
Boost is used everywhere: from the xmpp implementation (boost::function,
boost::asio) to the codecs-wrapper (boost::scoped_array) - and more.
Boost made the code a lot easier, more fun, safer and faster to develop.
Bjam was used as build system.

Abonja / Whitelabelvideo
*Online videosharing platform: you can upload and watch flashvideo
online, but at the same time run your pc client and download all your
preferences automatically for viewing later @ home.*

*Boost and C++ are used for the serverside tooling. Bjam is used as
build system.
* (Dutch only: a javascript sdk for viewing and
uploading - Boost is used serverside also).*

*Code from above and other projects made available as plain download or
as library.

Pieces address 'simple' problems like a windows registry wrapper to more
system like parts as for instance a drm implementation. Boost is used
all over (boost::filesystem, boost::tread, boost::asio, boost::spirit -
etc); bjam is used as build system.

I hope this qualifies for admission on the 'who uses Boost' pages -
under opensource, I presume.


Dirk Griffioen

CodeShop BV
Wenckebachweg 150-B
1096 AB Amsterdam
+31 6 411 92 024

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at