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From: Joseph Gauterin (joseph.gauterin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-09 11:38:50

I think the names 'key_iterator'/'value_iterator' are clearer than
'get_iterator', but I can see how the functionality of being able to
select any element of a tuple could be useful.

Perhaps we could merge the two concepts and have
'make_key_iterator'/'make_value_iterator' call
'make_get_iterator<1>'/'make_get_iterator<2> respectively.

While we could do that with the helper functions, unfortunately for
the classes, without template typedefs we can't have
'get_iterator<X,1>' be the same as 'key_iterator<X>' and having two
classes doing the same thing seems like a bit of a cludge (I suppose
std::pair/std::tr1::tuple<X,Y> gives us precendent, but it still
doesn't seem right).

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