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From: Michael Marcin (mmarcin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-10 20:14:29

Mathias Gaunard wrote:
> Martin Bonner wrote:
>> loufoque wrote:
>>> Libraries that produce needless copies are simply ill-designed,
>> The obvious case is return by value. I know that there are some compiler optimizations that can help here, but we have to work with the compilers we have.
> No exisiting decent C++ compiler doesn't perform NRVO.
> The only compiler I know that performs RVO and not NRVO is MSVC6, and it
> certainly isn't decent.

What about MSVC 7.1?

IIRC it does unnamed RVO but not NRVO (which was added in MSVC8).

Overall its still a decent compiler... it does a better job than VC8 in
some cases.

- Michael Marcin

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