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From: Sam Lievesley (sam.lievesley_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-11 09:47:20


I think I've found a bug when trying to use boost::ptr_set that stops my code from compiling

Pseudo code to reproduce the compiler error:

    // declare a ptr_set
    typedef boost::ptr_set<CTask> CTasks;
    CTasks iTasks;

    void DestroyTask(const CTask& aTask)
        iTasks.erase(iTasks.find(aTask)); // Compiles ok
        iTasks.erase(aTask); // Compiler complains

The error line from the compiler is

c:\program files\boost\boost_1_34_0\boost\ptr_container\detail\associative_ptr_container.hpp(106) : error C2664: 'std::_Tree<_Traits>::iterator std::_Tree<_Traits>::find(void *const &)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const CTask' to 'void *const &'

Taking a look in associative_ptr_container.hpp

        size_type erase( const key_type& x ) // nothrow
            iterator i( this->c_private().find( x ) ); // nothrow
            if( i == this->end() ) // nothrow
                return 0u; // nothrow
            this->remove( i ); // nothrow
            return this->c_private().erase( x ); // nothrow

This function should be:

        size_type erase( const key_type& x ) // nothrow
            iterator i( this->c_private().find( const_cast<key_type*>(&x) ) ); // nothrow
            if( i == this->end() ) // nothrow
                return 0u; // nothrow
            this->remove( i ); // nothrow
            return this->c_private().erase( const_cast<key_type*>(&x) ); // nothrow

It now compiles! As I'm not a boost developer I'd appreciate if someone responsible could verify the fix and submit it if its ok ;-)



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