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From: Matthias Schabel (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-13 14:41:02

>> I am continuing to have problems building documentation - on the
>> 1.34.1 branch, I keep getting bjam errors saying that
>> is not initialized even though it is quite clearly present in the
>> user-config.jam file. I probably just need to post a support
>> request - it shouldn't be this hard to keep stuff functional...
> Ah ha. Boostbook needs to be initialized before doxygen. Check the
> order in your user-config.jam

I wish it was that simple... Here's my user-config.jam :

# Boost.Build Configuration
# Automatically generated by Boost configure

# Compiler configuration
using darwin ;

using mpi ;

using xsltproc : "/usr/bin/xsltproc" ;

using boostbook
         : "/usr/local/docbook/docbook-xsl-1.73.0"
         : "/usr/local/docbook/docbook-xml-4"

using doxygen : "/usr/local/bin/doxygen" ;

  I get weird and discrepant results depending on whether I use
1.34.1 or CVS-HEAD. In the former case, is get the following error
about boostbook initialization when I run bjam --v2 --toolset=darwin
html in the libs/units/doc directory:

warn: Unable to construct ./standalone
error: the boostbook module is not initialized
error: you've attempted to use the 'doxygen' toolset,
error: which requires Boost.Book,
error: but never initialized Boost.Book.
error: Hint: add 'using boostbook ;' to your user-config.jam

I have no idea what ./standalone is or is supposed to do. In the
latter case, bjam appears to run OK, though the warning about ./
standalone is still there. However, as far as I can tell, there is no
html output. I do get this :

quickbook.quickbook-to-boostbook ../../../bin.v2/libs/units/doc/
Generating Output File: ../../../bin.v2/libs/units/doc/darwin/debug/

and units.xml is being regenerated, but I don't get any html output.
Argh. In all cases, I delete the bin.v2 directory before running
bjam, and the paths specified are correct (xsltproc and doxygen are
actually in the default path, but it doesn't appear to matter whether
I have the path or not).

Anyone have any ideas?


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