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From: Matthias Schabel (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-14 14:54:24

>> I get the same error when I try to build docs for Boost.MPI (from
>> CVS-
>> HEAD), so I don't think the problem is with the Boost.Units
>> documentation per se. This is the kind of stuff that makes me less
>> than lukewarm on the homegrown Boost documentation tools - doxygen
>> alone may not be as flexible or produce output that is as pretty, but
>> at least it worked reliably... There are few things that are less fun
>> than writing documentation, but having to deal with faulty tools for
>> documentation is one of them.
> :-(
> MPI docs build OK for me, here's what my user-config.jam looks like
> in case
> it helps:


Thanks for the info - the instructions on manual configuration in the
Boost.Book documentation appear to be incorrect. Reinstalling from
scratch and using the auto-configure script appears to have solved
the problem. This toolchain is really brittle, though - in the
process of getting it to work, I must have run into a half-dozen
different and equally inscrutable errors... Also, while I'm
grousing...why, when ./configure builds bjam does it end up in tools/
jam/src/bin.XXX? It makes zero sense to have binaries showing up in
source directories AFAICS... If we want consistent documentation, it
just can't be this difficult to get it to work. It almost makes Word
(TM) look appealing. Almost.

Crabby documenter,


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