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From: Goran Mitrovic (gmit_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-20 04:40:00


This won't be a proper review of the library, but more a point of view of
an average Boost user.

ScopeExit seems like a very nice utility, but, I don't think I could ever
use it because of two things:

1. Dependence on boost.typeof. I would like the native typeof keyword,
but, boost.typeof too much stresses compile type and a requirement of type
registration is so unergonomic that makes boost.typeof a very nice and
powerful demo, but not a useful utility for every day use.

2. Unusual syntax, both for me and someone who would later work on my
code. Using preprocessor sequence and having BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT_END after {}
braces looks so unnatural in C++.

If, by any chance, my vote will be counted, I'll vote no for this utility
until those two items are resolved. I understand maybe it's not possible
to do so, but, I would rather not have it in Boost then.

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