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From: Christian Henning (chhenning_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-20 17:44:53

Hi there, is't it possible to create test programs, already? I just
tried to include the boost/cgi.hpp and I'm getting compile errors:

c:\boost-sandbox\SOC\2007\cgi\boost\cgi\basic_request.hpp(559) : error
C3855: 'cgi::basic_request': template parameter 'ProtocolService' is
incompatible with the declaration
c:\boost-sandbox\SOC\2007\cgi\boost\cgi\basic_request.hpp(559) : error
C3855: 'cgi::basic_request': template parameter 'Role' is incompatible
with the declaration
c:\boost-sandbox\SOC\2007\cgi\boost\cgi\request.hpp(17) : error C2955:
'cgi::basic_request' : use of class template requires template
argument list
: see declaration of 'cgi::basic_request'
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\Vc7\include\xlocmon(231) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover
from previous error(s); stopping compilation

I'm using VC7.1 with the latest Service Pack. Also, I'm using current
boost trunk and I've updated the CGI code an hour ago.


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