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From: Yuval Ronen (ronen_yuval_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-21 08:46:52

Howard Hinnant wrote:
> Here is a link to a reference implementation and a FAQ for mutexes,
> locks and condition variables I am currently anticipating proposing
> for C++ standardization (or subsequent TR).

After some not-so-thorough reading of this, a few comments:

1. I couldn't understand what defer_lock is good for, even after reading
Q.9 of the FAQ. I believe the use-case shown in Q.9 should actually use
accept_ownership instead. Can you elaborate please?

2. I disagree with the answer to Q.14. I think that shared_mutex should
be changed to something like:

class shareable_mutex
     class exclusive_facade
         shareable_mutex &__m;
         exclusive_facade(shareable_mutex &m) : __m(m) { }
         void lock();
         bool try_lock();
         void unlock();

     class shared_facade
         shareable_mutex &__m;
         shared_facade(shareable_mutex &m) : __m(m) { }
         void lock();
         bool try_lock();
         void unlock();

     exclusive_facade &exclusive();
     shared_facade &shared();

This way, the condition c'tor will not get the shareable_mutex, but
rather the exclusive_facade or the shared_facade, which model Mutex.
condition::wait() can then simply call Mutex::unlock(). An additional
benefit (additional to having wait() not accept a lock) is that
shared_lock can then be dropped, but I haven't really thought about how
well this idea works with upgrade_mutex/upgrade_lock.

3. A really minor thing - you suggest a mutex_debug class to ensure
we're not using the platform's mutex-recursiveness. I strongly recommend
using this when developing on Windows, but there's a actually a simpler
way, IMO, to write it (without comparing thread ids):

template <class Mutex>
class non_recursive_assert_mutex
     Mutex mut_;
     bool locked_;

     non_recursive_assert_mutex() : mut_(), locked_(false) { }

     void lock()
         locked_ = true;

     bool try_lock()
         if (mut_.try_lock())
             locked_ = true;
             return true;
         return false;

     void unlock()
         locked_ = false;

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