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From: Johan Nilsson (r.johan.nilsson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-27 03:20:12

Beman Dawes wrote:
> The Development and Release Practices trac wiki page has been updated.
> See

- A sort of overall comment. Unless I missed something (which is very
likely), the preferred way of working with a library is to checkout the
"trunk" and work locally with "your" library. This could easily cause the
trunk to get so instable that fixing it before merging to "release" might
become a serious ... problem, it you do not have some policies/guidelines on
how to work, e.g.:

(when working against the trunk)

-- Do not check-in code to the trunk that does not pass all tests locally
(i.e. the library's own tests). If you need to perform large refactorings
that take an extended period of time, and you want to be able to check-in
work in progress, you should always perform your work on a separate library

-- Always refresh your copy of the trunk and re-run your tests before
checking in your code (to lessen the chance that other recent library
updates breaks your code).

- Concerning the repo organization:

-- Release tags: Having all releases and their associated release candidates
at the same level will probably become cluttered after some amount of time.
Did you consider the following:


Or do you intend to remove the "RC" tags once released?

-- "trunk" => "main" (personal preference)

-- "branches/release" => "branches/stable" (as Michael Fawcett mentioned).

/ Johan

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