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From: Frank Mori Hess (fmhess_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-29 21:02:33

On Wednesday 29 August 2007 07:07, Oliver.Kowalke_at_[hidden] wrote:
> Hello,
> The thread safe signals library contains connection class without
> block/unblock memebr function (but connection::blocked is available).
> Is it planed to add this feature - or what is the status of this lib?

My position (until proven otherwise) is that it is useable and complete. I
replaced connection::block() and unblock() with shared_connection_block:

The reason was to make it easier for multiple threads to block/unblock a
signal without stepping on each other.

The only issues with the library that come to mind are that there is no
backwards compatibility for the boost::trackable base class (there used to
be but I ripped it out because it was distracting me). Also, I believe
there is one base class that should be moved out of the detail namespace
because it wound up getting exposed somewhere in the interface. Lastly,
some of the code really could be compiled into a library instead of being
all headers, maybe an option to use the library as header-only or not
would be nice.


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