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From: Leandro Lucarella (llucarella_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-30 11:06:02

> Hi Leandro


>> I saw your email[1] via the gmane web interface (did you Cc me?
> Not exactly, I forwarded the message:
> To: llucarella_at_[hidden]
> Message-ID: <37229.1564.qm_at_[hidden]>
>> maybe
>> you mail was eaten by my antispam =).
> Probably...

It was a problem with my ISP, if it's not much trouble, please
Cc/forward me to luca at integratech dyndns org. Thanks!

>> I don't really know how to handle "partial" completion transitions (I
>> mean, with guards). But simple completion transitions could be expressed
>> something like:
>> struct B;
>> struct A: sc::simple_state< A, Machine >
>> {
>> typedef sc::completion_transition< B > reactions;
>> };
>> I guess is better to have partial support than no support at all =)
> It seems what you want to do with completion transitions can easily be
> achieved by posting an event in the entry action of a state? That is, the only
additional work you'd have to do in comparison to a library supported
scenario is to derive from state instead of simple_state and post an
event in the ctor? A state that automatically posts an event in its
entry action is useful in other scenarios, please see Dynamic choice
points under:
> <>

Yes, I know I could do that, but I have to create a dummy event and it
looks like a little dirty to me.

> I'm considering to add such a class. I'll have to think about the naming and the exact interface though.

Great! What about the other idea? I'm sorry about the lame format, my
MUA was messing my ASCII-art =P. Here it is again, I hope this time is
more readable:

struct ev: sc::event< ev > {};
struct B;
struct C;
struct A: sc::simple_state< A, Machine >
     typedef mpl::list<
             sc::completion_transition< >,
             sc::custom_reaction< ev >
> reactions;
     sc::result react(const completion_event&)
         if (guard)
             return transit< B >();
         return discard_event();
     sc::result react(const ev&)
         if (!guard)
             return transit< C >();
         return discard_event();

>> Another simple question about statechart: it can handle this?
>> ,-----------------.
>> | S |<--- T
>> | |
>> o--+--> A --> B <--o |
>> | |
>> `-----------------´

Same here. What I wanted to show was:

     ,-------------------. z
     | S |<--- T
   w | x y |
o---+--> A ---> B <---o |
     | |

>> I want the state machine to start at A, but any other time S is entered,
>> I want to start at B. AFAIK this is possible in UML.
> Really? A pointer would be appreciated.

Well, it's not exactly the same but in the presentation[1] linked from
boost.statechart web page is an example (page 6). In the example is not
the initial pseudostate which goes to the inner state.

>> Can I express that
>> in boost.statechart?
> Not directly, again you could find out which state you want to enter in a
> initial helper state entry action and then post an appropriate event.

Ok, again this is not very pretty, but I didn't figured this out for
this case, I've tried it and it worked, so thanks :)

>> I think I hit an static assertion when trying to do
>> that (/usr/include/boost/statechart/simple_state.hpp:885: error: invalid
>> application of ‘sizeof’ to incomplete type
>> ‘boost::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE<false>’).
> You passed mpl::list filled with multiple initial states? If so, then you
> tried to create a state with multiple orthogonal regions:
> <>

No, I wasn't using orthogonal regions. I tried to reproduce the error in
a smaller example but I couldn't. I attach the example anyways because I
hit another error. I'll try to reproduce the previous problem and post
it later.


Leandro Lucarella
Integratech S.A.

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at