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From: Phil Endecott (spam_from_boost_dev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-28 10:55:05

Anthony Williams wrote:
> Ion Gazta?aga <igaztanaga_at_[hidden]> writes:
>> Peter Dimov wrote:
>>> Ion Gazta?aga wrote:
>>>> Does this support building those objects in mapped files, rebooting
>>>> the system, mapping the file again again and continue working?
> However, I would not expect the mutex to survive a reboot --- there might
> still be data in the file, but I would expect a process-shared mutex to have
> at least some portion that was a handle to a kernel object, and the kernel
> object would go away with a reboot.

I have no idea what the POSIX spec requires or what most
implementations actually do. But I believe that the Linux
implementation, using the futex() system call, probably can survive a
reboot as it has no permanent kernel component. The kernel only gets
involved when a process finds the mutex locked, and needs to wait. See
'man 2 futex'. Of course the pthread_* functions, which wrap the
futex() functionality, may make it impossible to exploit this behaviour.


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