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From: Andrew Sutton (asutton_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-10-08 10:59:48


> What should be done to bring TSP closer to boost?

I wrote on a number of new algorithms/computations for Boost.Graph
over the summer. One of the offshoots of that work, was a version 2
of Boost.Graph in the subversion sandbox (graph-v2). It's still
basically the same thing right now, but will (should) eventually
become actively developed again. I think that this would be a perfect
point of integration for TSP, TSP2-approximation algorithms -
hopefully Doug agrees :)

There are a couple of reviews in the pipeline related to this. The
Property_Map library is being re-reviewed because I added a couple of
new classes and cleaned up the code a bit (it's also in the graph-v2
branch). My SoC project is also going to be reviewed, so Boost.Graph
will be getting a handful of new concepts, graphs, and algorithms at
the same time.

Basically, once the new Property_Map library is finalized, graph-v2
should be available for new and updated algorithms. I hope...

Andrew Sutton

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