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From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-10-08 20:11:33

Robert Ramey wrote:
> I think the whole idea of providing the test matrix as a guide to
> which compilers work with which libraries is misguided.
> Installation procedure should include a local test procedure
> which builds the test matrix for the user's local environment.
> This was my motivation for "library_status" executable and
> script. This would give a couple of advantages over the current
> approach.

I support such an idea also, but I do not think that installation should
automatically do anything since building a test matrix, even for a
single compiler, appears to take quite a bit of time and the end user
may not want, or need, to determine every library's workability with a
particular compiler.

I would love, however, to be able to run some program, just after
installation, to conclusively determine whether the core functionality
of a particular library works with a particular compiler. Even a program
which just spit out "Yes" or "No" would be better than the current hit
or miss guessing which the regression tests often currently supply for
libraries and compilers.

Of course that "program" would be different for each library, unless one
could run a test matrix for all libraries in some batch way if one
desired. It would nevertheless be immensely helpful, since it is often a
real PITA to determine whether or not a particular library in a given
release of Boost works with a partcular compiler.

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