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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-11-26 13:04:44

Markus Schöpflin wrote:
> Robert Ramey wrote:

>> c)I've noticed that bjam doesn't detect failure of test_exported
>> which is an imported test. I've got it passing on my branch
>> but I don't know what the true status is on the trunk.
> The test_exported tests are failing for a wide range of testers. (gcc
> 4.1.1, gcc 4.2.1, gcc 4.3.0, hp_cxx) What do you mean by saying that
> this failure isn't detected by bjam?

When I tested on my own system, i was getting a test that trapped on
an assert(false) being marked "pass". This was when compiled for
debug. When I compiled for release, the test failed with "unregistered
I wasn't particularly confident that I wasn't making some sort of mistake
or drawing some false conclusion, but I believe that it was subsequently
confirmed and a bjam fix was checked in - (at least for *nix).

>From looking at
I'm don't know for a fact which variant is being run.

So it seems that here are couple of real possibilities:

a) export functionality fails on gcc 4.1+ compilers. Seems quite likely
looking at the table and the fact the implementation of export is
compiler dependent.

b) It concievable that its failing on all platforms but not being detected.

In any case, I don't have gcc 4.1+ available so its hard for me to look at.

Robert Ramey

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