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From: Michael Marcin (mmarcin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-01 18:32:22

I ran into a compiler problem using the singleton library from the vault.

singleton's constructor and destructor use instance_proxy before it is
defined. The trivial fix is to make the definition of the constructor
and destructor inline function at the bottom of the file (i.e. after
instance_proxy is defined).

singleton_manager.hpp causes warning under msvc 8.0 in the
singleton_manager::cleanup function:

  warning C4706: assignment within conditional expression


while (!!(i = ptr_instance->ptr_first))

if this could be rewritten without much effort to silence the warning it
would be nice.

Nit - there seems to be a lot of extraneous inline keywords for
functions defined inside the class definition.

The library has proven quite useful.


Michael Marcin

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