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From: Doug Gregor (dgregor_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-06 15:27:50

On Dec 6, 2007, at 3:12 PM, David Abrahams wrote:
> I don't want any of *my* tickets in "to be determined" because I don't
> think it's useful, and I think tickets are more likely to languish
> there without ever being closed one way or the other. I think a
> milestone helps to separate the urgent tasks from what can be dealt
> with later. I think having wishy-washy categories in the system like
> "to be determined" results in a less powerful and less useful tracking
> system.
> If "to be determined" is going to have a practical use for a
> significant number of people, we should keep it. To me it just seemed
> as though it does not.

I know that I, personally, have tickets that are "to be determined"
because the need to be in the ticket system, but I'm unlikely to get
around to addressing them in the near future. Removing the "to be
determined" ticket, for me, means that I'll have to keep bumping
these tickets back every time a release comes up. That's fine, and I
probably deserve that given my dominance in the bug-count department
[*], but I hope that having a "Boost 1.36.0" label on things doesn't
give users false hope that I'm really addressing the problems.

        - Doug

[*] In my defense, I inherited a lot of these bugs :)

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