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From: Thorsten Ottosen (thorsten.ottosen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-09 11:39:36

Neil Groves skrev:
> Hi Thorsten,
> I normally place soft breakpoint in the code that announces the test failure
> and walk the call stack.

You are compiling directly with visual studio then?

I'm usign bjam + slickedit as my enviroenment.

> Alternatively you can use the IsDebuggerPresent() call combined with
> DebugBreak as a Windows only modification to the assertions. This only
> causes a debug break if a developer has attached a local debugger. The
> automated unit test execution is unaffected.

I would prefer if the the unit-test itself could be debugged. The
unite-test makes no sense if there is a serious assertion triggering

> I'm a bit annoyed that I don't break into the debugger, when an
> assertion triggers.

When I write a normal program, it crashes and allows me to debug
it...with boost.test, the behavior has been modified somehow.


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