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From: Eames, Andrew (andrew_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-14 14:32:34


I apologize if this is a FAQ - I couldn't find much on other compilers


I am interested in using boost with a compiler for a DSP - The compiler
is somewhat archaic - I'm not using RTTI or exceptions (the compiler
supports them but it is currently broken) - the STL has old iostreams
and no doubt I will find some other musty corners. I don't have any
illusions about getting the whole of boost to compile but I'm sure there
are some large pieces that will work OK. I have no problem doing the
port myself.


I have successfully got shared_ptr and shared_array to work but I needed
to make 3 fairly trivial changes to the code to get it to compile. Are
boosters interested in folding these changes back into the main source
in the interests of making boost more portable or am I on my own here
since I am working with an unsupported compiler? I can post the problems
I ran into if anyone is interested.



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