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From: Márcio Gil (marciomgil_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-15 17:53:49


I suggest this add on lexical_cast library: a lexical_cast_def function,
which work's like the AnsiString's ToIntDef method (from Borland VCL).

Reason: the use of a lexical_cast without a try ... catch block, if the
source is not guaranteed to be safe. Example:

string source;
int x = lexical_cast_def<int>( source, 0 );

In opposite of:

string source;
int x;
  x = lexical_cast<int>( source );
  x = 0;

Soon I can write this function in my project:

    template<typename Target, typename Source>
    Target lexical_cast_def(Source arg, Target def)
        Target result;
          result = lexical_cast<Target>(Source);
        catch (..)
          result = def;
        return result;

Otherwise we can post in the library this simplest and fastest function:
    template<typename Target, typename Source>
    Target lexical_cast_def(Source arg, Target def)
        detail::lexical_stream<Target, Source> interpreter;
        Target result;

        if(!(interpreter << arg && interpreter >> result))
            return def;
        return result;

And the call-by-const reference version.


Marcio Gil.

P.S.: This is my first post in this list, soon excuse my bad English, I
don't speak English, is that used only for reading.

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