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From: Giovanni Piero Deretta (gpderetta_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-20 08:36:17

On Dec 20, 2007 12:52 PM, ken smith <kenneth.smith_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any interest in my implementing support for a specific threading
> model? The library would expose an event manager (driven by an external
> thread or self-sufficient) with which modules register a callback to be
> called from any number of registered single-shot or periodic interval
> entries. A natural extension of the model is to include support for
> socket triggers. Another would be to provide a pool of such event
> managers. This code would leverage existing boost libraries such as
> thread, possibly function, etc. One example of use is with server
> frameworks wherein processing of several client connections
> can be handled by a single event manager.

How would that differ from Boost.Asio?


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