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From: Stjepan Rajko (stipe_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-24 20:28:59


I am getting close to wrapping up version 0.9 of the Dataflow library
(I think the 9 stands for how many times I've revamped the concepts
:-)). The exciting new addition is that I have completed a simple GUI
dataflow editor!


I have never been more excited about making an app that doubles a number :-)

For this version, I want to iron things out a bit more (docs need a
ton of work) before I package it up (current code is available in the
sandbox and docs on website). When the ironing is done I will request
review for the generic layer and Dataflow.Signals. Dataflow.Blueprint
has a long way to go but I think it shows that the generic layer is
useful. And the GUI shows that Dataflow.Blueprint is useful :-)

The GUI is built with FLTK (quick and easy), but I hope to switch it
to the new cppgui lib at some point.

Best regards,


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